Tuesday, July 29, 2014

OOTD: Edgy Florals

Last month my family got together at P.F. Chang's to celebrate my uncle's birthday. It was a really special occasion since we haven't been able to see the whole gang since last Thanksgiving because of various health problems and stuff. So we lived it up haha.

I absolutely adored this outfit that I wore. I usually don't wear long skirts, but this one is so cute and different because of the M-slit and the sheerness. I'm not that much of a flower crown girl either but I combined these red and orange headbands and they were subtle yet still stayed on trend.

The skirt is from Forever 21. The headbands and shoes are from Fashion Q. The pose is clearly inspired by Angelina Jolie.

My cousin and I had to go out and vamp it up a lil :)

On Sundays we stand outside P.F. Chang's mean muggin' !

I wish I had gotten pics of my nails before they chipped. I painted them black with plain half moons and had them cut into a long stiletto shape. I really liked them and I'll probably end up doing them again when my nails grow out long enough.

That's all for now, see you later!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Butterfly Wing Nails

Here's an oldie but goodie from the vault that I never posted. I think I did these probably in April of last year. I went to my cousin's birthday party and did them to match a butterfly print hi-low skirt that I wore. I remember I had JUST broke a nail and had to cut them all down.

I gotta say this is a cute design for short nails. I don't remember all the polishes in this but I do know I used Love & Beauty - Ivory for the base. I think I used this in every set of nail art that I did around this time. I still really love it, it's the perfect not quite white.

Have you ever tried butterfly nails? I think I need to try these again, especially since I just had yet another broken nail!

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Great Polish Giveaway Of 2014!

Exciting news today guys! If you haven't heard, the awesome Nail Polish Canada is hosting one of the biggest and greatest giveaways that I've ever seen.

What makes this different from any other giveaway is the interesting twist that they've added: bloggers nominate their favorite polishes to be prizes and the grand total can add up to 200 polishes.

The polish that I chose to be my nominee is Zoya - Brigitte.

If you're wondering why, well because my name is Brigitte.
It's spelled that way because my dad is French and my mom liked Brigitte Bardot.

But if any of you were kids who had unusual names, you KNOW whenever you saw one of those displays in a store with pencils or keychains or Christmas ornaments with names printed on them, your name wasn't there no matter how hard you looked!

If mine was there, sure enough it was spelled Bridget. FINALLY a company has my name!
(Fun fact: piCture pOlish has a polish named Bridget that is also nominated in the prizes. So if you win, you get not only Brigitte BUT Bridget too!)

>> For full details and to admire all the pretty prizes, check out The Great Polish Giveaway Of 2014 page.

>> To nominate your own polish and host an entry form on your blog, check out the nomination page.

A big thank you and shoutout to Nail Polish Canada for hosting the giveaway and to piCture pOlish, NCLA, and Cirque for donating so many prizes.

You can enter on my Rafflecopter form below but you can also enter once on every blog that has nominated a prize! Good luck lovelies!

#OOTD Roundup

Hey dolls! I've been busy lately and haven't really done any hardcore nail art, but I've been posting a couple OOTD posts on Instagram and thought I'd share them here. There's some simple nail art involved.

First off is my most recent one, a 4th of July look.

I did these nails using Wet N' Wild - I Red A Good Book and then did some vintage inspired half moons and tips using hole reinforcement stickers and Salon Perfect - He's With Me. I've got some swatches of this to post, it's become one of my favorites in my collection.

Of course no holiday collage of a family get together is complete without one of my aunt's cakes. This was Duff Goldman's zebra cake mix and it was REALLY good haha. The zebra print inside was totally cute too.

Next up was an outfit I wore to go to family dinner at The Elephant Bar. I got this Batman crop top at Fashion Q and I'm SO in love with it. You can't really tell in the pictures but the Bat symbol is blinged out and it's just so cute and different compared to your typical Batman tee. The shoes were another Fashion Q find and I'm equally in love with them.

Of course I can't wear this Batman top without pairing it with some bat rings and a cat charm bracelet that I got from Forever 21's Bats And Cats collection that came out last year. To say that this collection was up my alley is probably an understatement. ;)

I've got on Wet N' Wild - Black Creme and Kleancolor - Americano on my accent nail.

Finally here's an old one from last Fall. It's been warm out here in Cali. Heck, it's been warm almost all year. It was in the 80's on Christmas last year and there's been 90+ temps off and on throughout the whole rest of winter and spring. I've been dreaming of Fall.

Here's a non-Instagram one, galaxy-free :)

I got the shirt, belt, and shoes at Fashion Q. The headband and tights at Forever 21. The skirt is from Love Culture.

That's what I've been up to lately. I'm having fun doing more OOTD type posts. Follow me on Instagram for more @MissDeViousDiVa.
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